For orgs that have enabled Enhanced omni-channel a paused status is added to cases. This paused status is mainly for users that have cases assigned to them but need to pick up the case in a later stage. JB Case …
Make sure in your user settings the Flow User and Service Cloud user checkboxes are set.
Make sure in the settings for the user the Flow User and Service Cloud user checkboxes are set in the user’s settings.
We’ll publish updates in our blog and social channels. If you have feature requests we’ll be happy to include them if it enhances functionality for all customers, just drop us a line via the contact form.
You can find post-installation instructions here. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the admin considerations. For all other questions please reach out to us on our contact page and select Support in the form.
For US and non-EU Companies you can pay by credit card. For EU based companies we accept SEPA and credit card.
Usually teams that have Omni Channel enabled and handle cases that cannot be solved in one interaction. JB Case Scheduler is useful when you have multiple instances where you need to follow-up your case on a later date/time.
Your existing cases are not affected in any way until you allow your agents to use JB Case Scheduler. Cases that they schedule are temporarily assigned to the Case Scheduler queue until they are reactivated.
Only people with full System Administrator profile can install as settings and scheduling of reactivation requires elevated permissions and access to all records.
You need to have Enterprise, Unlimited Service cloud licenses or a developer license. Please install on a Sandbox first to make sure proper operation, and review admin considerations.